Sunday, 1 March 2009

Quick Strategy to Explode Your Traffic On a Daily Basis

Here you go, as promised, part 2 of this little series on making your sites work.

Following the Traffic - Quick Strategy to Explode your Traffic On a Daily Basis

I was reading a piece written by Willie Crawford about finding what people are interested in and jumping onto that bandwagon. I then realized this fit perfectly into a strategy many of the emerging internet entrepreneurs had been using. What you must do as an internet entrepreneur is to constantly change your approach. New niches emerge every day, and old niches become much more popular overnight. It is your job to find these trend setters before everyone else, as well as market in the right place:

This short guide is about "knowing where to pick up your traffic for nearly any niche".

What you need to do is find out where your niche is being discussed and quickly figure out how to get your link placed in that area, often times free. Here are 4 quick ways to find where your traffic is and quickly capitalize on it:

1. Google Alerts -
Google Alerts can be one of your most valuable tools. Just goto the url above and enter your niches keyword(s). Every time a new website, blog, video or news story about your niche is indexed in Google, you will instantly be notified with a link to the given page, via email. If the page is a blog, video, or news story, then you can usually instantly add a back link from that page by commenting on it. Make sure in your comment you post something of interest, don't just post a link. At the end of your interesting comment, just put your name and then the url of your website. This will get you a really really good targeted, one way link back to your site, and possibly even pass along PR. Do this for every single Alert you get, if possible. You will quickly begin being looked at as an authority site in your niche

2. Google Trends -
Use Google trends to explore the popular topics of the hour. Googles trends will show you which keyword(s) are being searched for the most in the last hour. If you are a blog author, and see a topic that is related to your blog, you can quickly create a blog entry for those keywords, and likely capitalize on the search traffic. If you take it a step further, register a domain name for those keywords, and create a site around them. Take this approach online if you think the topic will be popular for weeks to come.

3. Scowl, and for Newly Popular stories related to your Niche
Once you find one, you can take advantage of this opportunity in 2 ways. First you quickly leave a and Propeller comment at at both sites, like we suggested you do in Idea #1, with a link to your site. I recently commented on a story on Digg that just became popular. I gave my opinion of the story and then a link to my site. I had 140 unique visitors click that link in the first hour of posting it. The second way to take advantage of this situation is to follow the digg story to the page that it links to, and leave a comment as well on that page, if it allows it.

4. Search Google News, Yahoo News, and for stories in your niche. When you find one, see if the news page allows comments. If they do, then follow the tips we offer in Idea #1

Basically the point here is, figuring out where the traffic currently is for your niche, by using the tools provided about, then put your website in the middle of that traffic.

Only a shorty today, plenty more to come though and the next one is tommorrow so pop back then!


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