I thought I'd write a blog post to introduce my new blog and to get a much needed back-link to it! My new blog is called Tasty Tagine Recipes and you can take a look at it yourself by clicking on the following link - Tagine Recipes . I did have it on a free domain name to start but decided that I liked it that much that i'd move over to a .com domain, especially since GoDaddy has their excellent special offer on at the moment so I got that domain AND an identical .info domain for the measly price of 88p for 1 year!
The actual site itself has been a work in progress for the past week but I haven't done too much work on it because I just knew I wanted to make it a .com so any work I'd have done publicizing it would have been a waste of time. Unfortunately Google decided to index it and the links so I've had to throw up a 301 redirect on the old domain name so that I don't get a Google slap for EXACT duplicate content so I've gotta wait now for Google etc to update and send the love back to the new domain.
Once that's done I think I may also make it into a project for all to see how it's doing on this blog just so that you all can see how it's doing, bring in some reports, how to's and what not's. I'm aiming to at least make my 88p back over the course of the year which should easily be achievable! If it starts making enough i'll move it over to a paid hosting site as well rather than it being stuck on a free host with their restrictions, i'd rather have a host that doesn't restrict daily visitors too much really but I suppose what i've got for the time being is sufficient for now until it makes enough to pay for itself on a paid host.
To start with I think i'll make weekly posts explaining what i've done that week, how many links are indexed, how many backlinks (DoFollow) have stuck and are viewable, social media stats etc. Then, once it's a bit more established and people start linking etc off their own back i'll update twice monthly and then monthly.
So, if you want to see the ins and outs of a start up site with just a paid domain name and free hosting so as to make it as cheap as possible then start subscribing to the RSS feed or bookmark us for future reference and pop back often. I do aim to try and post daily if at all possible but that obviously depends on whether I find something I think worthwhile mentioning to you all.
I've also made a couple of changes to the blog which you may have noticed, mainly social bookmarking buttons and the sidebar. I hope that some of you find my content interesting enough to bookmark and/or pass on to other friends, followers etc. I'm averaging approximately 500 visitors a month at the moment which isn't bad considering I've only just taken over the running of it and it had been neglected for some time! If there's anything any of you want to see in particular then please leave your comments below or elsewhere in the blog and I'll do my best to give you what you want.
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