Here's a link to hacking a Huwaie E220 USB mobile dongle so that you can put any sim in it, this is useful for use with the O2 £10 a year internet access trick -
Have fun, the instructions and all the files are in the pack, just follow the instructions which are idiot proof and you'll have an unlocked E220 USB dongle!
Monday, 15 June 2009
How to get Internet for £10 a year! using USB dongle
Here's how to unlock your ZTE MF627 3 USB dongle for free AND get nearly free broadband internet for just £10 for a year!
First you either need a 3 ZTE MF627 USB dongle, you can get one here for £4.95 postage only (saves about £25!)
You have to register and get your coupon code from your email address.
you then get a 02 iphone simcard (make sure it's for iphone or this won't work!) this sim card gives you up 2 a year free internet with just 1 £10 topup or get 1 from ebay here:-|66%3A2|39%3A1|72%3A1690|240%3A1308|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50
After you recieve your SIM you need to run this program
to change your settings on your ZTE MF627 USB dongle so that it can lock onto the O2 network using the SIM (settings included in the package as a .jpg)
The way this works is by topping up the sim with £10 and choose a setting to unlock the O2 web and WiFi bolt on and turn it on. you'll get a text each month about renewal but it's free for the initial 12 months and then it reverts back to £10 per month! Also, the max you should use this is about 1GB although 2GB has been reported as being ok, this is because if O2 work out that the sim isn't in an iphone then they can turn off the bolt on as they can at any time! Just keep it minimal and you'll have free, personal access for a £10 a year!
First you either need a 3 ZTE MF627 USB dongle, you can get one here for £4.95 postage only (saves about £25!)
You have to register and get your coupon code from your email address.
you then get a 02 iphone simcard (make sure it's for iphone or this won't work!) this sim card gives you up 2 a year free internet with just 1 £10 topup or get 1 from ebay here:-|66%3A2|39%3A1|72%3A1690|240%3A1308|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50
After you recieve your SIM you need to run this program
to change your settings on your ZTE MF627 USB dongle so that it can lock onto the O2 network using the SIM (settings included in the package as a .jpg)
The way this works is by topping up the sim with £10 and choose a setting to unlock the O2 web and WiFi bolt on and turn it on. you'll get a text each month about renewal but it's free for the initial 12 months and then it reverts back to £10 per month! Also, the max you should use this is about 1GB although 2GB has been reported as being ok, this is because if O2 work out that the sim isn't in an iphone then they can turn off the bolt on as they can at any time! Just keep it minimal and you'll have free, personal access for a £10 a year!
free internet,
free o2 internet,
o2 dongle
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
I'm running a bit late for the 4th part of this series of dynamite money making blog posts so I appologise if you'd already been online and missed me! At least you'll have maybe 2 posts to read tommorrow! Anyway, let's start eh?
What I'm about to share with everyone is a step by step method how article marketing has worked for me, and I hope it can benefit everyone. If you don't implement it, maybe it can give you some new ideas of your own.
This is my opinion on how to get the most traffic from an article.
Okay - this method is assuming you submit all of your articles to EZA, with a good title, good article content, and a good resource box.
1st Step: Open up Word Pad - or whatever you like to use. The program you use must be easy to copy and paste that is really the only requirement.
* Type out the keywords you are going to target in your article and separate them with commas. -- press enter a few times
* Create your title --- then press enter a few times.
* Create your article summary --- press enter a few times
* TYPE THE ARTICLE ---- and press enter a few more times.
* Then of course type up your resource box.
Each part of writing an article is equally important do not neglect anything. Once you are done SAVE YOUR ARTICLE TO YOUR COMPUTER.
2nd Step: Submit your article to EZA. ( This should be easy because you just saved it to your computer. (The reason for pressing enter a few times between the different parts of the article was to help you stay organized.)
3rd Step: Wait one week - my favorite step for my method to market an article
4th Step: After that week has passed you are going to do some more with that article. Go back to your original article which you saved on your computer and copy your resource box. Then yes you guessed it press enter a few more times and paste it below the original one.
You are going to make some slight changes - on this resource box make one of the links point to your approved EZA article, and let the other still point to your webpage. Once you have completed this...
************************************************** *
5th Step: Submit your article with your new resource box (the one with one link pointing to your EZA article and the other pointed to the site that you are trying to promote) to the following 10 sites:
1. Go Articles (
2. Articles Base (
3. Search Warp (
4. Article Dashboard (
5. Buzzle (
6. Article Alley (
7. Amazines (
8. Isnare (
9. Article City (
10. Hot Article Directory (
Wrap up: Ok I know what you are thinking submitting your article to all these sites is going to be time consuming... Really it is not too bad once you have your username and password to all of these sites.
You have everything at your fingertips because your article is saved to your computer!
The traffic that ends up going to your EZA article and ultimately the website you are trying to promote grows exponentially and it is definitly going to be worth your time. I wish good fortune to everyone marketing online and I hope everyone has success.
Tune in again tommorrow for the 5th installment of this week long huge dynamite guide that i've serialized.
What I'm about to share with everyone is a step by step method how article marketing has worked for me, and I hope it can benefit everyone. If you don't implement it, maybe it can give you some new ideas of your own.
This is my opinion on how to get the most traffic from an article.
Okay - this method is assuming you submit all of your articles to EZA, with a good title, good article content, and a good resource box.
1st Step: Open up Word Pad - or whatever you like to use. The program you use must be easy to copy and paste that is really the only requirement.
* Type out the keywords you are going to target in your article and separate them with commas. -- press enter a few times
* Create your title --- then press enter a few times.
* Create your article summary --- press enter a few times
* TYPE THE ARTICLE ---- and press enter a few more times.
* Then of course type up your resource box.
Each part of writing an article is equally important do not neglect anything. Once you are done SAVE YOUR ARTICLE TO YOUR COMPUTER.
2nd Step: Submit your article to EZA. ( This should be easy because you just saved it to your computer. (The reason for pressing enter a few times between the different parts of the article was to help you stay organized.)
3rd Step: Wait one week - my favorite step for my method to market an article
4th Step: After that week has passed you are going to do some more with that article. Go back to your original article which you saved on your computer and copy your resource box. Then yes you guessed it press enter a few more times and paste it below the original one.
You are going to make some slight changes - on this resource box make one of the links point to your approved EZA article, and let the other still point to your webpage. Once you have completed this...
************************************************** *
5th Step: Submit your article with your new resource box (the one with one link pointing to your EZA article and the other pointed to the site that you are trying to promote) to the following 10 sites:
1. Go Articles (
2. Articles Base (
3. Search Warp (
4. Article Dashboard (
5. Buzzle (
6. Article Alley (
7. Amazines (
8. Isnare (
9. Article City (
10. Hot Article Directory (
Wrap up: Ok I know what you are thinking submitting your article to all these sites is going to be time consuming... Really it is not too bad once you have your username and password to all of these sites.
You have everything at your fingertips because your article is saved to your computer!
The traffic that ends up going to your EZA article and ultimately the website you are trying to promote grows exponentially and it is definitly going to be worth your time. I wish good fortune to everyone marketing online and I hope everyone has success.
Tune in again tommorrow for the 5th installment of this week long huge dynamite guide that i've serialized.
article directory,
ezine article,
ezine articles
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Using Youtube for video marketing!
Did you know that is more popular then every single TV networks sites combined, traffic wise? Well that is the case, and that in itself should show you how valuable Youtube, as well as other internet video sites are in a marketters playbook. The Top Videos on Youtube have been watched over 50,000,000 (Yes 50 million!) times. The top videos of the day often get over 1,000,000 views in just 1 day. Imagine the marketing potential here by just having a the url of your site show at the end of your video. How can you add your url to virtually any video as well as other forms of text quickly and easily? Simply check out the free service at .
YouTube has been responsible for launching careers, such as that of YouTuber "Brookers" who was hired by Hollywood celebrity Carson Daly because of her cool videos. YouTube has also brought fame to previously unknown bands such as the "Sick Puppies," a band that became popular because a video called "Free Hugs" was set to the Sick Puppies song "All The Same." This just goes to show you the power that a catchy video can have on the creators life.
Anyone can simply create a home video, cartoon, music video, or anything else they are good at, upload it to and have it spread like a good virus throughout the world. The trick is to be creative, make a video that stands out of the fields of thousands of videos uploaded each day on Once you have a catchy video, either mention the website you are trying to promote at the end of the video, use the website somehow in your video, or have the url display at the bottom of the video, or at the end. Statistics we have acquired show that a very surprising 8% of people who watch a video and see a url at the end will type that url into their browser to check it out. Think if you were one of the people who had your video viewed over 50,000,000 times. That would have directly been responsible for over 4,000,000 visits to the site you are promoting. Can you think of any better way to get that many possibly visitors to your site free of charge? Our research has shown that a black screen with your url in white text at the very end of the video and very beginning of the video gets the best response.
It is also important to note that once a video becomes known on Youtube, an starts generating buzz, the video will quickly become viral and spread throughout hundreds of video sites, blogs, and possibly even major media like Television. YouTube has basically become the hub for all word of mouth advertising.
How to make your video standout and catch viewers attention, as well as direct traffic to the site you are promoting:
1. Clearly demonstrate the product you’re marketing or have a link to the website you wish to promote.
2. Focus on something fun, something that people will want to share with friends.
3. Do something shocking, say something controversial, or show off a unique skill.
4. Make sure the video 100% is real; no tricks, no “smoke and mirrors.” YouTubers can tell a fake from a mile away.
5. Take advantage of YouTube tags; use adjectives to target people searching based on mood; and match your title and description to the tags.
6. Try different things. If you see that one technique gets a ton of viewers then do it again but improve upon it.
7. Don't stop at Upload your videos at the various other video sites like, Metacafe,, MySpace, and Revver Video Sharing Network.
8. Add a link to the YouTube Video to, as well as, and other social bookmarking sites.
9. Homemade Videos are just fine. You don’t need to hire a professional. A homemade quality video can work great. But plan ahead and shoot several takes to get it right before submitting the final cut.
10. Keep your video under 2 minutes. Many times people don;t feel like watching a 10 minute video. If they don't watch it, they won't be sharing it with friends.
11. Make your description an eye catcher. To best promote your video, you'll want its text description on YouTube to be accurate and interesting. Use key words, and make it interesting.
12. Get to know how to make a video, add music, sound effects, and at least give the viewers a pleasant experience. We recommend checking out this great site for help: Digital Video Freeware, Tutorials and Instructional Videos with Daily Updates. Also another great website that allows you to edit your videos online is Jumpcut - Be good to your video.
13. Tell everyone you know about the video you created, linking them to the video on YouTube itself. With any luck they will also tell their friends.
14. Be totally lame, but "on purpose," and with a surprise punchline. People love surprises.
15. Be completely original. Do something funny, crazy, stupid or just amazing that no one has done before, and that will grab viewers and make them want to show it to all their friends.
16. Have your friends view your video on YouTube, rank it, and then post a comment. This gives other YouTube users the heads-up that the an awesome video has hit the internet. It might also tip off the elusive YouTube editors that a buzz is being born and that they could feature it on the homepage. Also Have your friends register on YouTube and mark your video as a favorite.
17. Encourage users to subscribe to your video series. This is a great way to get added exposure by getting repeat viewers to your various creations.
18. As pathetic as it may seem, leave your video positive comments. People see them and at least won't not watch it.
19. Encourage viewer participation and support. For example "Leave a video feedback", or “make your own video like ours.”
Like we said above, you need to try different thing. More than likely your first video will not be a smash hit, however with every new video you make, you will get more of a following, and learn what people do an do not like. Not only can you get thousands of free website visitors, but who knows you could also become famous.
YouTube has been responsible for launching careers, such as that of YouTuber "Brookers" who was hired by Hollywood celebrity Carson Daly because of her cool videos. YouTube has also brought fame to previously unknown bands such as the "Sick Puppies," a band that became popular because a video called "Free Hugs" was set to the Sick Puppies song "All The Same." This just goes to show you the power that a catchy video can have on the creators life.
Anyone can simply create a home video, cartoon, music video, or anything else they are good at, upload it to and have it spread like a good virus throughout the world. The trick is to be creative, make a video that stands out of the fields of thousands of videos uploaded each day on Once you have a catchy video, either mention the website you are trying to promote at the end of the video, use the website somehow in your video, or have the url display at the bottom of the video, or at the end. Statistics we have acquired show that a very surprising 8% of people who watch a video and see a url at the end will type that url into their browser to check it out. Think if you were one of the people who had your video viewed over 50,000,000 times. That would have directly been responsible for over 4,000,000 visits to the site you are promoting. Can you think of any better way to get that many possibly visitors to your site free of charge? Our research has shown that a black screen with your url in white text at the very end of the video and very beginning of the video gets the best response.
It is also important to note that once a video becomes known on Youtube, an starts generating buzz, the video will quickly become viral and spread throughout hundreds of video sites, blogs, and possibly even major media like Television. YouTube has basically become the hub for all word of mouth advertising.
How to make your video standout and catch viewers attention, as well as direct traffic to the site you are promoting:
1. Clearly demonstrate the product you’re marketing or have a link to the website you wish to promote.
2. Focus on something fun, something that people will want to share with friends.
3. Do something shocking, say something controversial, or show off a unique skill.
4. Make sure the video 100% is real; no tricks, no “smoke and mirrors.” YouTubers can tell a fake from a mile away.
5. Take advantage of YouTube tags; use adjectives to target people searching based on mood; and match your title and description to the tags.
6. Try different things. If you see that one technique gets a ton of viewers then do it again but improve upon it.
7. Don't stop at Upload your videos at the various other video sites like, Metacafe,, MySpace, and Revver Video Sharing Network.
8. Add a link to the YouTube Video to, as well as, and other social bookmarking sites.
9. Homemade Videos are just fine. You don’t need to hire a professional. A homemade quality video can work great. But plan ahead and shoot several takes to get it right before submitting the final cut.
10. Keep your video under 2 minutes. Many times people don;t feel like watching a 10 minute video. If they don't watch it, they won't be sharing it with friends.
11. Make your description an eye catcher. To best promote your video, you'll want its text description on YouTube to be accurate and interesting. Use key words, and make it interesting.
12. Get to know how to make a video, add music, sound effects, and at least give the viewers a pleasant experience. We recommend checking out this great site for help: Digital Video Freeware, Tutorials and Instructional Videos with Daily Updates. Also another great website that allows you to edit your videos online is Jumpcut - Be good to your video.
13. Tell everyone you know about the video you created, linking them to the video on YouTube itself. With any luck they will also tell their friends.
14. Be totally lame, but "on purpose," and with a surprise punchline. People love surprises.
15. Be completely original. Do something funny, crazy, stupid or just amazing that no one has done before, and that will grab viewers and make them want to show it to all their friends.
16. Have your friends view your video on YouTube, rank it, and then post a comment. This gives other YouTube users the heads-up that the an awesome video has hit the internet. It might also tip off the elusive YouTube editors that a buzz is being born and that they could feature it on the homepage. Also Have your friends register on YouTube and mark your video as a favorite.
17. Encourage users to subscribe to your video series. This is a great way to get added exposure by getting repeat viewers to your various creations.
18. As pathetic as it may seem, leave your video positive comments. People see them and at least won't not watch it.
19. Encourage viewer participation and support. For example "Leave a video feedback", or “make your own video like ours.”
Like we said above, you need to try different thing. More than likely your first video will not be a smash hit, however with every new video you make, you will get more of a following, and learn what people do an do not like. Not only can you get thousands of free website visitors, but who knows you could also become famous.
money making,
video marketing,
Monday, 2 March 2009
Social Media Traffic Domino Effect Strategy
Here's the third part in this week long series of golden money making ideas, traffic building etc. Don't forget to come back tommorrow for part 4 will you?!
Social Media Traffic Domino Effect Strategy - Digg, StumbleUpon, Propeller, etc
This is a strategy I learned after much trial and error submitting blog posts to the various social linking sites such as,,,,, and the other various sites like them.
The idea behind this strategy is to harness the traffic from the smaller Social linking sites such as,, and to drive people to Digg, Stumble,, and Propell your sites at the larger Social Linking sites that have potential of sending tens of thousands of uniques to your blog post in just a couple days.
The Strategy
So you write blog post, and want to get started. As you may or may not know, most of the users at the smaller Social Media sites also use the larger social media sites.
1 - Start off by placing widgets at the bottom of your blog post for 2 to 3 of the following:,, and These are the larger social media sites. Don't list your blog at these media sites just yet
2 - Next, submit your blog post to the lesser known, less used social media sites. The more sites you submit to the better, but make sure you submit them all as quickly together as you can. Here are some of the better lesser knowns:
Sphinn: News, Discussion Forums & Networking For Search & Internet Marketing Professionals
Mixx - Latest news and top videos and photos from around the web
Care2 - largest online community for healthy and green living, human rights and animal welfare.
Searchles | Home
plime.comopular links
3 - This is a big tricky. You can try timing this different ways, but I would recommend right after submitting to these lesser know sites submit to the mainstream social media sites that you chose to add widgets to for users to quickly bookmark/vote at.
Why This Works
The reason for all this is that the faster a blog post or site is dugg, propelled, etc the higher it ranks, meaning more votes and more traffic. The smaller social media sites will send you between 20-500 uniques usually. The people who visit your site from these smaller social sites will then read your blog, and at the bottom see the widgets for their other favorite larger social media sites such as Digg, and Propeller, and thus vote for your post there as well. This in turn will help you become popular at the mainstream media sites potentially sending you tens of thousands of uniques in a matter of a couple days.
Please test this strategy out, as differ timing mechanisms and different topics you blog about can play a significant role in the way everything plays out.
Social Media Traffic Domino Effect Strategy - Digg, StumbleUpon, Propeller, etc
This is a strategy I learned after much trial and error submitting blog posts to the various social linking sites such as,,,,, and the other various sites like them.
The idea behind this strategy is to harness the traffic from the smaller Social linking sites such as,, and to drive people to Digg, Stumble,, and Propell your sites at the larger Social Linking sites that have potential of sending tens of thousands of uniques to your blog post in just a couple days.
The Strategy
So you write blog post, and want to get started. As you may or may not know, most of the users at the smaller Social Media sites also use the larger social media sites.
1 - Start off by placing widgets at the bottom of your blog post for 2 to 3 of the following:,, and These are the larger social media sites. Don't list your blog at these media sites just yet
2 - Next, submit your blog post to the lesser known, less used social media sites. The more sites you submit to the better, but make sure you submit them all as quickly together as you can. Here are some of the better lesser knowns:
Sphinn: News, Discussion Forums & Networking For Search & Internet Marketing Professionals
Mixx - Latest news and top videos and photos from around the web
Care2 - largest online community for healthy and green living, human rights and animal welfare.
Searchles | Home
plime.comopular links
3 - This is a big tricky. You can try timing this different ways, but I would recommend right after submitting to these lesser know sites submit to the mainstream social media sites that you chose to add widgets to for users to quickly bookmark/vote at.
Why This Works
The reason for all this is that the faster a blog post or site is dugg, propelled, etc the higher it ranks, meaning more votes and more traffic. The smaller social media sites will send you between 20-500 uniques usually. The people who visit your site from these smaller social sites will then read your blog, and at the bottom see the widgets for their other favorite larger social media sites such as Digg, and Propeller, and thus vote for your post there as well. This in turn will help you become popular at the mainstream media sites potentially sending you tens of thousands of uniques in a matter of a couple days.
Please test this strategy out, as differ timing mechanisms and different topics you blog about can play a significant role in the way everything plays out.
free traffic,
social bookmarking links,
Sunday, 1 March 2009
How to get your link on the 1st 2 pages of google for FREE!
Google indexes pages based on traffic flow, page rank, backlinks, and a myriad of other things. I have found that traffic flow is the number one factor to google, in other words if a website gets a shit ton of traffic then its probably important.
I did some research with this information in mind, and discovered that Yahoo is the number one site in the world traffic wise. Billions of people visit yahoo everyday, more than google. This all can be verified at
Okay, so how did I use this information. I started trying to get my links on yahoo, which turned out to be pretty easy and only took me about 20 minutes to discover. Still, its not being used by people which is a shame because google will index my yahoo stuff within 48 minutes like clockwork- and I am always on page 1 or 2 of google depending on how I structure my keyword content.
So heres how I did it;
Step 1- Register a yahoo email account, and create an avatar for it. (Important to create the avatar for credibility reasons).
Step 2- Go to Yahoo Answers, and post a question that is keyword rich BUT still sounds real. Yahoo people will delete it if you just pack it full of keywords, so dont be stupid. Heres an example I use;
Question Title: No prescription viagra? where can I buy no prescription viagra?
Question Details: Can you buy no prescription viagra on the internet? I get tons of spam for it, but I dont even know if no prescription viagra is legal. I wouldn't buy the viagra without a prescription from a spammer anyway, but the thought did cross my mind. Has anyone ever bought viagra online without a prior prescription? Can anyone tell me a safe place to buy no prescription viagra? I dont want to spend a ton of money, but I know viagra isnt cheap- is no prescription viagra the same price as when its prescribed?
Obviously my keyword is "no prescription viagra". Post the question, and wait 48 minutes for google to index the page.
Step 3- Once you see your page in google serps 1-2, go back to yahoo and register another email account. Remember to create the avatar again, my CTR is much higher when I have one. Make sure you register this email from a proxy because yahoo deletes questions that are asked and answered by the same IP.
Step 4- Answer your own question with a real sound answer, and include a link to your website in the "source" section. Heres another example;
Oh dude I know what you mean. I buy viagra online with no prescription, and its not "terrifying" like people will lead you to believe. Check out, they are the ONLY website selling BRAND NAME Viagra with NO PRESCRIPTION, and take credit cards.
Also, email and youll get a discount code for 10 bucks off.
Thats it, your all done. Not only is this giving you a great backlink with a high PR, but youll hold top google placement for about two weeks before you sink to page 2.
Its important to know that if the keyword your using is abundant in the serps, then you need to create an original headline so google notices its different. If you want to do viagra, use "no prescription viagra online? is it for real or a scam?".
Make it LONG, google will still pickup your keyword "no prescription viagra" and place you high. What google WONT do is place 10 websites with the same exact title on the first page. Also please note that because Yahoo answers is a 'NoFollow' site you won't get link juice in Google but if you're high up in the rankings for long tailed keywords then with the affiliates offers etc you could make a small fortune"
I did some research with this information in mind, and discovered that Yahoo is the number one site in the world traffic wise. Billions of people visit yahoo everyday, more than google. This all can be verified at
Okay, so how did I use this information. I started trying to get my links on yahoo, which turned out to be pretty easy and only took me about 20 minutes to discover. Still, its not being used by people which is a shame because google will index my yahoo stuff within 48 minutes like clockwork- and I am always on page 1 or 2 of google depending on how I structure my keyword content.
So heres how I did it;
Step 1- Register a yahoo email account, and create an avatar for it. (Important to create the avatar for credibility reasons).
Step 2- Go to Yahoo Answers, and post a question that is keyword rich BUT still sounds real. Yahoo people will delete it if you just pack it full of keywords, so dont be stupid. Heres an example I use;
Question Title: No prescription viagra? where can I buy no prescription viagra?
Question Details: Can you buy no prescription viagra on the internet? I get tons of spam for it, but I dont even know if no prescription viagra is legal. I wouldn't buy the viagra without a prescription from a spammer anyway, but the thought did cross my mind. Has anyone ever bought viagra online without a prior prescription? Can anyone tell me a safe place to buy no prescription viagra? I dont want to spend a ton of money, but I know viagra isnt cheap- is no prescription viagra the same price as when its prescribed?
Obviously my keyword is "no prescription viagra". Post the question, and wait 48 minutes for google to index the page.
Step 3- Once you see your page in google serps 1-2, go back to yahoo and register another email account. Remember to create the avatar again, my CTR is much higher when I have one. Make sure you register this email from a proxy because yahoo deletes questions that are asked and answered by the same IP.
Step 4- Answer your own question with a real sound answer, and include a link to your website in the "source" section. Heres another example;
Oh dude I know what you mean. I buy viagra online with no prescription, and its not "terrifying" like people will lead you to believe. Check out, they are the ONLY website selling BRAND NAME Viagra with NO PRESCRIPTION, and take credit cards.
Also, email and youll get a discount code for 10 bucks off.
Thats it, your all done. Not only is this giving you a great backlink with a high PR, but youll hold top google placement for about two weeks before you sink to page 2.
Its important to know that if the keyword your using is abundant in the serps, then you need to create an original headline so google notices its different. If you want to do viagra, use "no prescription viagra online? is it for real or a scam?".
Make it LONG, google will still pickup your keyword "no prescription viagra" and place you high. What google WONT do is place 10 websites with the same exact title on the first page. Also please note that because Yahoo answers is a 'NoFollow' site you won't get link juice in Google but if you're high up in the rankings for long tailed keywords then with the affiliates offers etc you could make a small fortune"
Here's 2 lists containing social bookmarking sites and LOADS DoFollow blogs, both have the Google pagerank the sites have at the end of each link, these should keep you all busy for a while!
All Page ranks were confirmed a few days ago.
Social Bookmarking Sites:
Folkd-------PR 7
Oneview----PR 7
Spurl-------PR 6
Feedmarker--PR 6
LinkaGoGo----PR 5
SpotBack-----PR 5
Connectedy---PR 5
Blinklist-------PR 5
MyLinkVault---PR 4
A1 Webmarks--PR 4
OYAX----------PR 4
Pixelmo--------PR 4
TeDigo--------PR 4
SyncOnePR-----PR 3
Yattle---------PR 3
Memfrag------PR 3
Ziki-----------PR 1
Do Follow Blogs:
URL 3 3 2 1 1 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 1 3 1 4 1 3 4 2 3 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 1 2 4 3 1 2 5 4 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2
httP:// 2 4 3 3 2 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 3 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 1 2 4 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 3 4 3 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 5 6 5 3 4 2 2 4 4 2 3 4 4 5 3 3 1 3 3 1 2 2 4 3 1 2 2 4 3 3 4 2 4 2 3 4 3 3 3 3
2 2 4 2 4 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 4 5 2 3 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 3 1 2 2 3 4 1 1 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 5
Have fun people!
All Page ranks were confirmed a few days ago.
Social Bookmarking Sites:
Folkd-------PR 7
Oneview----PR 7
Spurl-------PR 6
Feedmarker--PR 6
LinkaGoGo----PR 5
SpotBack-----PR 5
Connectedy---PR 5
Blinklist-------PR 5
MyLinkVault---PR 4
A1 Webmarks--PR 4
OYAX----------PR 4
Pixelmo--------PR 4
TeDigo--------PR 4
SyncOnePR-----PR 3
Yattle---------PR 3
Memfrag------PR 3
Ziki-----------PR 1
Do Follow Blogs:
URL 3 3 2 1 1 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 1 3 1 4 1 3 4 2 3 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 1 2 4 3 1 2 5 4 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2
httP:// 2 4 3 3 2 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 3 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 1 2 4 3 3 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 4 2 1 1 1 1 3 4 3 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 5 6 5 3 4 2 2 4 4 2 3 4 4 5 3 3 1 3 3 1 2 2 4 3 1 2 2 4 3 3 4 2 4 2 3 4 3 3 3 3
2 2 4 2 4 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 4 5 2 3 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 3 1 2 2 3 4 1 1 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 5
Have fun people!
Quick Strategy to Explode Your Traffic On a Daily Basis
Here you go, as promised, part 2 of this little series on making your sites work.
Following the Traffic - Quick Strategy to Explode your Traffic On a Daily Basis
I was reading a piece written by Willie Crawford about finding what people are interested in and jumping onto that bandwagon. I then realized this fit perfectly into a strategy many of the emerging internet entrepreneurs had been using. What you must do as an internet entrepreneur is to constantly change your approach. New niches emerge every day, and old niches become much more popular overnight. It is your job to find these trend setters before everyone else, as well as market in the right place:
This short guide is about "knowing where to pick up your traffic for nearly any niche".
What you need to do is find out where your niche is being discussed and quickly figure out how to get your link placed in that area, often times free. Here are 4 quick ways to find where your traffic is and quickly capitalize on it:
1. Google Alerts -
Google Alerts can be one of your most valuable tools. Just goto the url above and enter your niches keyword(s). Every time a new website, blog, video or news story about your niche is indexed in Google, you will instantly be notified with a link to the given page, via email. If the page is a blog, video, or news story, then you can usually instantly add a back link from that page by commenting on it. Make sure in your comment you post something of interest, don't just post a link. At the end of your interesting comment, just put your name and then the url of your website. This will get you a really really good targeted, one way link back to your site, and possibly even pass along PR. Do this for every single Alert you get, if possible. You will quickly begin being looked at as an authority site in your niche
2. Google Trends -
Use Google trends to explore the popular topics of the hour. Googles trends will show you which keyword(s) are being searched for the most in the last hour. If you are a blog author, and see a topic that is related to your blog, you can quickly create a blog entry for those keywords, and likely capitalize on the search traffic. If you take it a step further, register a domain name for those keywords, and create a site around them. Take this approach online if you think the topic will be popular for weeks to come.
3. Scowl, and for Newly Popular stories related to your Niche
Once you find one, you can take advantage of this opportunity in 2 ways. First you quickly leave a and Propeller comment at at both sites, like we suggested you do in Idea #1, with a link to your site. I recently commented on a story on Digg that just became popular. I gave my opinion of the story and then a link to my site. I had 140 unique visitors click that link in the first hour of posting it. The second way to take advantage of this situation is to follow the digg story to the page that it links to, and leave a comment as well on that page, if it allows it.
4. Search Google News, Yahoo News, and for stories in your niche. When you find one, see if the news page allows comments. If they do, then follow the tips we offer in Idea #1
Basically the point here is, figuring out where the traffic currently is for your niche, by using the tools provided about, then put your website in the middle of that traffic.
Only a shorty today, plenty more to come though and the next one is tommorrow so pop back then!
Following the Traffic - Quick Strategy to Explode your Traffic On a Daily Basis
I was reading a piece written by Willie Crawford about finding what people are interested in and jumping onto that bandwagon. I then realized this fit perfectly into a strategy many of the emerging internet entrepreneurs had been using. What you must do as an internet entrepreneur is to constantly change your approach. New niches emerge every day, and old niches become much more popular overnight. It is your job to find these trend setters before everyone else, as well as market in the right place:
This short guide is about "knowing where to pick up your traffic for nearly any niche".
What you need to do is find out where your niche is being discussed and quickly figure out how to get your link placed in that area, often times free. Here are 4 quick ways to find where your traffic is and quickly capitalize on it:
1. Google Alerts -
Google Alerts can be one of your most valuable tools. Just goto the url above and enter your niches keyword(s). Every time a new website, blog, video or news story about your niche is indexed in Google, you will instantly be notified with a link to the given page, via email. If the page is a blog, video, or news story, then you can usually instantly add a back link from that page by commenting on it. Make sure in your comment you post something of interest, don't just post a link. At the end of your interesting comment, just put your name and then the url of your website. This will get you a really really good targeted, one way link back to your site, and possibly even pass along PR. Do this for every single Alert you get, if possible. You will quickly begin being looked at as an authority site in your niche
2. Google Trends -
Use Google trends to explore the popular topics of the hour. Googles trends will show you which keyword(s) are being searched for the most in the last hour. If you are a blog author, and see a topic that is related to your blog, you can quickly create a blog entry for those keywords, and likely capitalize on the search traffic. If you take it a step further, register a domain name for those keywords, and create a site around them. Take this approach online if you think the topic will be popular for weeks to come.
3. Scowl, and for Newly Popular stories related to your Niche
Once you find one, you can take advantage of this opportunity in 2 ways. First you quickly leave a and Propeller comment at at both sites, like we suggested you do in Idea #1, with a link to your site. I recently commented on a story on Digg that just became popular. I gave my opinion of the story and then a link to my site. I had 140 unique visitors click that link in the first hour of posting it. The second way to take advantage of this situation is to follow the digg story to the page that it links to, and leave a comment as well on that page, if it allows it.
4. Search Google News, Yahoo News, and for stories in your niche. When you find one, see if the news page allows comments. If they do, then follow the tips we offer in Idea #1
Basically the point here is, figuring out where the traffic currently is for your niche, by using the tools provided about, then put your website in the middle of that traffic.
Only a shorty today, plenty more to come though and the next one is tommorrow so pop back then!
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Yahoo Answers: Tricks to get Major Traffic and Rank In Search Engines
The Yahoo Answers Trick:
Yahoo Answers -, as many of you already are aware of can be a great way to send traffic to your sites, affiliate links, etc, simply by answering other peoples questions. What many of you may not know is that you can get extremely targeted back links and actually tailer the question to suit your purpose.
Some important Details about Yahoo Answers you should know first:
- Links posted at Yahoo answers do use the "nofollow" tag, therefore they will not pass Pagerank directly to you. We are going for targeted traffic, not pagerank.
- Google almost instantaneously indexes new yahoo questions and answers.
- Google usually ranks yahoo answers very high in their search engine placement.
- Yahoo Answers is used by over 8 million unique people daily, around the globe
The Strategy:
1. Create 2-3 Yahoo answers accounts. One will be created as your "questions" account (you will ask questions with this account), and the other 1 or 2 will be your "answers" account(s) (you will answer questions with these account). Now, for instance if you are looking to market an ebook you personally wrote called "Bobs Weight loss secrets," do the following:
2. Sign into Yahoo answers with your "questions" account. Post a question such as "Is Bobs Weight Loss Secrets really as good as the reviewers have been saying? Make sure in the actual question you provide a link to the ebook sales page.
3. Sign in with any one of your 2 accounts you created to answer the questions. Reply with a solid honest professional review of the product and once again link back to the ebook sales page.
4. In a day or two log back in with your "questions" account and select the answer you gave with the "answers" account as the best answer.
What this Accomplishes:
- Gives you 2 solid back links for people to follow when they view the question and subsequent answers
- The Yahoo question itself will be almost immediately indexed into Google and rank extremely high in search results. This means that if someone is searching Google for "Weight loss secrets" or "bobs weight loss secrets" they will see the question in the search results, click it, read an amazing review of the product and then click one of the 2 links out to go buy your product.
- Thus you will gain an incredible amount of traffic from both, people accessing your question directly from Yahoo Answers, and from people searching Google who come across the question in the search results. They will likely read the review you gave in the answer, and immediately gain incentive to purchase the product.
An Extra Bonus Tip:
If you are lazy and just want to answer other peoples questions that are targeted toward the site you are marketing, then by all means do so. Answering other peoples questions alone can really help with traffic as well. If your answer is chosen as the "best answer" then you will get 3-6 times the traffic usually. How do you tip the odds in your favor of having your answer chosen as the best one? Well most people who post questions do not usually choose the "best answer". So this means the system does it for them, by votes. The glitch that Yahoo has in their system is that you, yourself can vote for your own answer as the "best answer". Considering that not too many people vote, a self vote for yourself will increase your likelihood of being accepted as the "best answer" by at least 50%.
Here are a few more sites that work similiar to Yahoo Answers but are not quite as popular:
I've got a few more of these Site optimization technique posts to go and i'm going to be posting 1 a day for about a week so keep coming back won't you 'cos this stuff is DYNAMMITE! and could blow some of those £40-90+ so called 'best ways' ebooks out of the water And you know what you'll all be paying don't you? Yep, that's right , absolutely NOTHING! Enjoy and don't forget to bookmark us and pop back regular!
Yahoo Answers -, as many of you already are aware of can be a great way to send traffic to your sites, affiliate links, etc, simply by answering other peoples questions. What many of you may not know is that you can get extremely targeted back links and actually tailer the question to suit your purpose.
Some important Details about Yahoo Answers you should know first:
- Links posted at Yahoo answers do use the "nofollow" tag, therefore they will not pass Pagerank directly to you. We are going for targeted traffic, not pagerank.
- Google almost instantaneously indexes new yahoo questions and answers.
- Google usually ranks yahoo answers very high in their search engine placement.
- Yahoo Answers is used by over 8 million unique people daily, around the globe
The Strategy:
1. Create 2-3 Yahoo answers accounts. One will be created as your "questions" account (you will ask questions with this account), and the other 1 or 2 will be your "answers" account(s) (you will answer questions with these account). Now, for instance if you are looking to market an ebook you personally wrote called "Bobs Weight loss secrets," do the following:
2. Sign into Yahoo answers with your "questions" account. Post a question such as "Is Bobs Weight Loss Secrets really as good as the reviewers have been saying? Make sure in the actual question you provide a link to the ebook sales page.
3. Sign in with any one of your 2 accounts you created to answer the questions. Reply with a solid honest professional review of the product and once again link back to the ebook sales page.
4. In a day or two log back in with your "questions" account and select the answer you gave with the "answers" account as the best answer.
What this Accomplishes:
- Gives you 2 solid back links for people to follow when they view the question and subsequent answers
- The Yahoo question itself will be almost immediately indexed into Google and rank extremely high in search results. This means that if someone is searching Google for "Weight loss secrets" or "bobs weight loss secrets" they will see the question in the search results, click it, read an amazing review of the product and then click one of the 2 links out to go buy your product.
- Thus you will gain an incredible amount of traffic from both, people accessing your question directly from Yahoo Answers, and from people searching Google who come across the question in the search results. They will likely read the review you gave in the answer, and immediately gain incentive to purchase the product.
An Extra Bonus Tip:
If you are lazy and just want to answer other peoples questions that are targeted toward the site you are marketing, then by all means do so. Answering other peoples questions alone can really help with traffic as well. If your answer is chosen as the "best answer" then you will get 3-6 times the traffic usually. How do you tip the odds in your favor of having your answer chosen as the best one? Well most people who post questions do not usually choose the "best answer". So this means the system does it for them, by votes. The glitch that Yahoo has in their system is that you, yourself can vote for your own answer as the "best answer". Considering that not too many people vote, a self vote for yourself will increase your likelihood of being accepted as the "best answer" by at least 50%.
Here are a few more sites that work similiar to Yahoo Answers but are not quite as popular:
I've got a few more of these Site optimization technique posts to go and i'm going to be posting 1 a day for about a week so keep coming back won't you 'cos this stuff is DYNAMMITE! and could blow some of those £40-90+ so called 'best ways' ebooks out of the water And you know what you'll all be paying don't you? Yep, that's right , absolutely NOTHING! Enjoy and don't forget to bookmark us and pop back regular!
site ranking,
How to get on Google's 1st page with your site!
*Howto* Own Google's 1st Page w/ Your Blog!!!! Simple Stuff !!!
Easy stuff guys:: I'll make it short & sweet
If you're looking to get on Google's first page, it's really simple... I have my blog listed 7 times on the first page of Google... for a 1,810,000 result search term!!
First, let's take your niche: I'll show you some examples::
What do you wanna be on GooglePg1 with ?? what will people type into the Search Engines to find YOUR BLOG ???
Now.. title your blog whatever that term is:
(ex: BlackHat Marketing 101)
Make sure you have 40/50 posts in your blog, related to BlackHat Marketing...
Get a couple backlinks (doesn't really matter)...
NOW- we're gonna go sign up with a few Blog Topsites such as:
etc... FIND THEM!!
After you've made accounts with all of these places, you're going to add a new blog (title it, (ex:BlackHat Marketing 101) ..) keep it the same as the blog title... and in the description, start off with:
"BlackHatMarketing 101"...etc.....
Now, after you've submitted your blog to ALL of these sites, you'll have to put the little tracker on your blog somewhere... DO THAT ~!!!!
After you're done submitting to all the directories, just wait a couple weeks, and you'll be listed on Google's 1st page for whatever search term you want!!!
Here's my Google Page 1: (As you can see I have 6 listings on the 1st page):
for the keywords (iPhone Hacks & Mods)
My others are :
TopofBlogs/DigNow/BlogCatalog/iPhoneHacks&Mods/iPhoneHacks&Mods Blogspot/ & Everything iCafe
And on the second page, mine are the:
TopBlogArea/iPhoneHacks&Mods/BlogTopList/CellPhoneForum(another post)...Listings
And on the third page , mine are the:
DigNow & BlogCatalog ....listings
Pretty crazy huh??... I get a good amount of traffic from this, and I haven't even posted on my iPhone site in probably 2 weeks or so!!!... it's amazing how something so simple can do something so amazing!!!
Good luck
Easy stuff guys:: I'll make it short & sweet
If you're looking to get on Google's first page, it's really simple... I have my blog listed 7 times on the first page of Google... for a 1,810,000 result search term!!
First, let's take your niche: I'll show you some examples::
What do you wanna be on GooglePg1 with ?? what will people type into the Search Engines to find YOUR BLOG ???
Now.. title your blog whatever that term is:
(ex: BlackHat Marketing 101)
Make sure you have 40/50 posts in your blog, related to BlackHat Marketing...
Get a couple backlinks (doesn't really matter)...
NOW- we're gonna go sign up with a few Blog Topsites such as:
etc... FIND THEM!!
After you've made accounts with all of these places, you're going to add a new blog (title it, (ex:BlackHat Marketing 101) ..) keep it the same as the blog title... and in the description, start off with:
"BlackHatMarketing 101"...etc.....
Now, after you've submitted your blog to ALL of these sites, you'll have to put the little tracker on your blog somewhere... DO THAT ~!!!!
After you're done submitting to all the directories, just wait a couple weeks, and you'll be listed on Google's 1st page for whatever search term you want!!!
Here's my Google Page 1: (As you can see I have 6 listings on the 1st page):
for the keywords (iPhone Hacks & Mods)
My others are :
TopofBlogs/DigNow/BlogCatalog/iPhoneHacks&Mods/iPhoneHacks&Mods Blogspot/ & Everything iCafe
And on the second page, mine are the:
TopBlogArea/iPhoneHacks&Mods/BlogTopList/CellPhoneForum(another post)...Listings
And on the third page , mine are the:
DigNow & BlogCatalog ....listings
Pretty crazy huh??... I get a good amount of traffic from this, and I haven't even posted on my iPhone site in probably 2 weeks or so!!!... it's amazing how something so simple can do something so amazing!!!
Good luck
google ranking,
high ranking,
number 1 on google,
top ranking
Craving Cash GPT that pays loads and has plenty!
Cravings cash is a great site to earn money, they have lodes of different ways aswell: Fill in offers & surveys, play games or even chat in the forum and get paid. prices vary:
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they have promotions always on like earn $3 between 16th - 18th Feb and receive $1 free
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I have noticed that there's not a lot of UK offers on there,There is a Non US area if you look on the title bar! Butif that don't look any good for you then you can always browse though a US proxy or get a hide IP program that tells you what country the IP is! just a thought as it's easy to get a US address in google! and if it's cash
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I have noticed that there's not a lot of UK offers on there,There is a Non US area if you look on the title bar! Butif that don't look any good for you then you can always browse though a US proxy or get a hide IP program that tells you what country the IP is! just a thought as it's easy to get a US address in google! and if it's cash
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get paid 40-80 cents per download for uploads
Here's how to make between 40-80cents a download for uploading stuff, I've included some methods to rack up the download points as well so go out and enjoy some free automated cash! Please sign up under my referal, thanks!
First go here and make an account :-
Ok so go on the website and register this is a fairly new website so it doesnt have too many features but there is more and more coming each day. Next what you need to do is confirm your email address and then upload a file what you think people will download after you have uploaded your file you will need to advertise it so people can find it, I advertise on warez forums and making youtube videos with the link in the description. This is what the tips and tricks says:
1)Seed files on bittorent
Hundreds of thousands of people use bittorent daily, creating endless oppurtunities for you! For example, you can create a zip file with a passworded zip inside. Leave a readme.txt saying to retrieve the password you have to download it at your download link here on sharecash! You'd be surprised at how many people will start downloading your text file!
2)Post to forums
There are a plethora of web forums on the internet with millions of users. Many forums have sections for downloads, and some are even dedicated to solely providing files. Upload a file that you know will be popular and post it to some active file sharing boards, and let the downloads...and cash roll in!
3)What kind of files?
There are millions of uploaded files on the internet, but you want to find the one that will be the most popular and get the most downloads. These normally are videos of some popular event, like a soccer tournament, pdf's or free ebooks, game demos, game cheats, music files... the list goes on and on. Just make sure the file isn't copyrighted or sexually explicit!
4)Use youtube
Youtube is the new fronteir for internet marketing. By simply creating a video about a program, a song, a band, etc, and giving the user a download link in the video description will score you thousands of downloads, and dollars!
5)Peer-to-peer file sharing
Many people use peer-to-peer file sharing networks, like limewire or emule, to share files. You can use this as a spinoff of the bittorent technique, but instead of seeding your file just share it on these networks and let the downloads start rolling in!
ok that is a few other ways you will also find people that have posted tutorials to get more downloads on the forums too. Every download you will get 40 - 80 cents. well thats it
have fun making money!
If this guide helped you please use my refferal link, here it is again
First go here and make an account :-
Ok so go on the website and register this is a fairly new website so it doesnt have too many features but there is more and more coming each day. Next what you need to do is confirm your email address and then upload a file what you think people will download after you have uploaded your file you will need to advertise it so people can find it, I advertise on warez forums and making youtube videos with the link in the description. This is what the tips and tricks says:
1)Seed files on bittorent
Hundreds of thousands of people use bittorent daily, creating endless oppurtunities for you! For example, you can create a zip file with a passworded zip inside. Leave a readme.txt saying to retrieve the password you have to download it at your download link here on sharecash! You'd be surprised at how many people will start downloading your text file!
2)Post to forums
There are a plethora of web forums on the internet with millions of users. Many forums have sections for downloads, and some are even dedicated to solely providing files. Upload a file that you know will be popular and post it to some active file sharing boards, and let the downloads...and cash roll in!
3)What kind of files?
There are millions of uploaded files on the internet, but you want to find the one that will be the most popular and get the most downloads. These normally are videos of some popular event, like a soccer tournament, pdf's or free ebooks, game demos, game cheats, music files... the list goes on and on. Just make sure the file isn't copyrighted or sexually explicit!
4)Use youtube
Youtube is the new fronteir for internet marketing. By simply creating a video about a program, a song, a band, etc, and giving the user a download link in the video description will score you thousands of downloads, and dollars!
5)Peer-to-peer file sharing
Many people use peer-to-peer file sharing networks, like limewire or emule, to share files. You can use this as a spinoff of the bittorent technique, but instead of seeding your file just share it on these networks and let the downloads start rolling in!
ok that is a few other ways you will also find people that have posted tutorials to get more downloads on the forums too. Every download you will get 40 - 80 cents. well thats it
have fun making money!
If this guide helped you please use my refferal link, here it is again
free money,
making money,
How to get out of a wheel clamping fine!
I thought I'd share this information with you all as I have know about it for quite some time. Basically its all about whell clamps and their users. I know they're a proper pain in the @ss, but I bet you didnt know that you can remove them WITHOUT incurring a fee?!!
Firstly, when you discover that your car's been clamped, check a few things. Firstly is it because your parking ticket has expired? If so you wont be able to do anything as usually you will have to hand the ticket back in to leave the car park. If it has been clamped because you are parked on private land, firstly check if there are clear and visible signs and also if the private car park's boundaries are clearly defined, any signs must have a contact number on where you can reach the clamping company. If any of this information is in doubt you can revoke their decision. Also if you have been clamped on private land, the clamper MUST hold a VALID SIA license accompanied by the license number on any signs they have warning of clamping. The clamper must hold his identification visible at all times and again, this must have their SIA license number on it. It is illegal for anyone to try to impose a clamping fee for parking on private land, similarly, it is illegal for anyone to allow someone to operate as a clamping company without a license. The fines imposed on the companies are hefty so it might be worth askingto see their VALID license. Like bank overdraft charges, the fine must be fair and proportionate (ie not like £300). If you do pay the fine, make sure you get a receipt with a telephone number on it where you can contact the person who issued it. That way you can always get back in touch should you find that you were charged unfairly or their details dont add up (ie they are a dodgy company with forged details.)
Having said all that, it is perfectly LEGAL to remove the clamp from you vehicle providing a) you dont damage the clamp - take a photo of it before you decide to remove it, and b) you return the wheel clamp to a police station local to where you were clamped - if you hand it in to the police, undamaged, there has no actual offence been committed! To remove the clamp, you WILL need your spare wheel. Simply jack your vehicle up on the corner it has been clamped, release all the air from the offending tyre and simply slip the wheel clamp off over the now flattened tyre. Schimples! You then remove the flat, replace it with your spare, put the flat and the clamp in your boot and drive to the nearest petrol station to re-inflate the tyre!
Enjoy people! Power to all drivers out there, we pay enough on road tax, petrol and insurance as it is without @ssholes like these trying to con us out of more money!
Firstly, when you discover that your car's been clamped, check a few things. Firstly is it because your parking ticket has expired? If so you wont be able to do anything as usually you will have to hand the ticket back in to leave the car park. If it has been clamped because you are parked on private land, firstly check if there are clear and visible signs and also if the private car park's boundaries are clearly defined, any signs must have a contact number on where you can reach the clamping company. If any of this information is in doubt you can revoke their decision. Also if you have been clamped on private land, the clamper MUST hold a VALID SIA license accompanied by the license number on any signs they have warning of clamping. The clamper must hold his identification visible at all times and again, this must have their SIA license number on it. It is illegal for anyone to try to impose a clamping fee for parking on private land, similarly, it is illegal for anyone to allow someone to operate as a clamping company without a license. The fines imposed on the companies are hefty so it might be worth askingto see their VALID license. Like bank overdraft charges, the fine must be fair and proportionate (ie not like £300). If you do pay the fine, make sure you get a receipt with a telephone number on it where you can contact the person who issued it. That way you can always get back in touch should you find that you were charged unfairly or their details dont add up (ie they are a dodgy company with forged details.)
Having said all that, it is perfectly LEGAL to remove the clamp from you vehicle providing a) you dont damage the clamp - take a photo of it before you decide to remove it, and b) you return the wheel clamp to a police station local to where you were clamped - if you hand it in to the police, undamaged, there has no actual offence been committed! To remove the clamp, you WILL need your spare wheel. Simply jack your vehicle up on the corner it has been clamped, release all the air from the offending tyre and simply slip the wheel clamp off over the now flattened tyre. Schimples! You then remove the flat, replace it with your spare, put the flat and the clamp in your boot and drive to the nearest petrol station to re-inflate the tyre!
Enjoy people! Power to all drivers out there, we pay enough on road tax, petrol and insurance as it is without @ssholes like these trying to con us out of more money!
clamping fines,
wheel clamp,
wheel clamping
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Free .com, .net, .org , biz & .info domain names for US only!
I've found a site that offers free domain names for earning points via email and offers and surveys but it's only available to US users so this is to compliment my free post for UK users. Just sign up to and complete a couple of offers, most don't require Credit Card details and get your free domain name from .com, .info, .net, .org & .biz. Can't say fairer than that really can you! Let others know if this works please as I haven't tried this yet due to being from the UK!
If you're after free hosting as well due to lack of funds or whatever then you can sign up to and get possibly the best free hosting package around at the moment, here's some further info for you:-
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Now that's what I call a great bargain those 2 offers together, at least you can set up as many domains and hosting as you like and if it don't work out you haven't lost nothing. But if it all goes well then you've gained loads and it's cost you none so pretty much no risk investment and the money you make could go towards your next years domain name registration or to upgrade your hosting!
Again I should really be charging for dynamite info like this and my post but hey, I'm nice like that!
If you're after free hosting as well due to lack of funds or whatever then you can sign up to and get possibly the best free hosting package around at the moment, here's some further info for you:-
Free cPanel Web Hosting with PHP5/Mysql - no advertising!
Register now:
We can offer you a free web hosting package packed with advanced features for hosting & building professional dynamic websites. We provide secure free web space with all the web hosting tools you could possibly ever need.
Our package includes:
- 1500 MB of Disk Space, 100 GB Bandwidth
- Host your own domain (
- cPanel Powered Hosting (you will love it)
- Over 500 website templates ready to download
- Easy to use website builder
- Free POP3 Email Box with Webmail access
- FTP and Web based File Manager
- PHP, MySQL, Perl, CGI, Ruby.
- And many more..
Click here to visit us:
Now that's what I call a great bargain those 2 offers together, at least you can set up as many domains and hosting as you like and if it don't work out you haven't lost nothing. But if it all goes well then you've gained loads and it's cost you none so pretty much no risk investment and the money you make could go towards your next years domain name registration or to upgrade your hosting!
Again I should really be charging for dynamite info like this and my post but hey, I'm nice like that!
domain names,
free .com,
free .org,
Who'd like to get their very own domain name for free for 2 years? that's right FREE!100%, no BS and completely free!(2nd year does cost but at nominal rates as domains can only be registered for 2 years at a time and after this can be pushed to your usual registrar! It can also be pushed to a new registrar after the 1st year so I belive from their FAQ's! please check this before taking my word for it though!) you only need a mobile phone number to recieve the confirmation code that gets sent to you to verify the account after setting it up to fully set it up!
click on the 'your .uk free' link that's around the middle of the screen on this site to get your free domain name for 2 years!
you can't go wrong for free and if you're worried about recuring billing on your phone bill then just pop any old free PAYG sim card in your phone and get the confirmation code sent to there instead! that way you don't have any worries atall and get your free!
This does definitely work as I now have about 7 domain names as once you have your account you can order 1 domain per day!!! At least you don't have to plough loads of money into domain names when you're starting up as these are completely free (no £1.50-£3.00 txt ads either!) so you'll know at the end of the 1st year wether the domain is worth keeping or not. So... If you were to go for free hosting as well then you'll have completely free online startup with the possibility of going large AND getting it all free to start! Talk about no risk investment!!!
If you're wondering why I mentioned completely free? well that's 'cos there's plenty of free hosting company's out there today and my favourite one is . Here's the info of what you get with free hosting with them:-
Free cPanel Web Hosting with PHP5/Mysql - no advertising!
Register now:
We can offer you a free web hosting package packed with advanced features for hosting & building professional dynamic websites. We provide secure free web space with all the web hosting tools you could possibly ever need.
Our package includes:
- 1500 MB of Disk Space, 100 GB Bandwidth
- Host your own domain (
- cPanel Powered Hosting (you will love it)
- Over 500 website templates ready to download
- Easy to use website builder
- Free POP3 Email Box with Webmail access
- FTP and Web based File Manager
- PHP, MySQL, Perl, CGI, Ruby.
- And many more..
Click here to visit us:
This is one of the best packages on the net today considering it's free, I should really be charging for this sort of complete information, see how good I am to you guys?!
My next post will be how to get a .com domain name for free by doing small, quick surveys, US only though I'm afraid! NVM, at least we still get names for free in the UK and maybe other places too! Please leave a comment if you try from another country so that everyone knows where else this method works.
click on the 'your .uk free' link that's around the middle of the screen on this site to get your free domain name for 2 years!
you can't go wrong for free and if you're worried about recuring billing on your phone bill then just pop any old free PAYG sim card in your phone and get the confirmation code sent to there instead! that way you don't have any worries atall and get your free!
This does definitely work as I now have about 7 domain names as once you have your account you can order 1 domain per day!!! At least you don't have to plough loads of money into domain names when you're starting up as these are completely free (no £1.50-£3.00 txt ads either!) so you'll know at the end of the 1st year wether the domain is worth keeping or not. So... If you were to go for free hosting as well then you'll have completely free online startup with the possibility of going large AND getting it all free to start! Talk about no risk investment!!!
If you're wondering why I mentioned completely free? well that's 'cos there's plenty of free hosting company's out there today and my favourite one is . Here's the info of what you get with free hosting with them:-
Free cPanel Web Hosting with PHP5/Mysql - no advertising!
Register now:
We can offer you a free web hosting package packed with advanced features for hosting & building professional dynamic websites. We provide secure free web space with all the web hosting tools you could possibly ever need.
Our package includes:
- 1500 MB of Disk Space, 100 GB Bandwidth
- Host your own domain (
- cPanel Powered Hosting (you will love it)
- Over 500 website templates ready to download
- Easy to use website builder
- Free POP3 Email Box with Webmail access
- FTP and Web based File Manager
- PHP, MySQL, Perl, CGI, Ruby.
- And many more..
Click here to visit us:
This is one of the best packages on the net today considering it's free, I should really be charging for this sort of complete information, see how good I am to you guys?!
My next post will be how to get a .com domain name for free by doing small, quick surveys, US only though I'm afraid! NVM, at least we still get names for free in the UK and maybe other places too! Please leave a comment if you try from another country so that everyone knows where else this method works.
free hosting,
text messages
Get paid to comment etc and get a PR4 DOFOLLOW
I've just found a great way to get paid for articles, comments etc and to also get a PR4 DOFOLLOW link to your website!
Bukisa is a one stop shop for how-to, informational & educational content. We are both an aggregator and a UGC website. We provide content in the form of articles, videos, presentations, audio recordings and image slideshows.
The Bukisa vision is to maximize the knowledge sharing experiences and to introduce contributors to a better and more fun-filled way to share their knowledge online.
One of the important aspects of the Bukisa vision is that it has taken steps to reward those who contribute their knowledge with monetary value.
Everyone has an ability to contribute knowledge. Some can write, while others are more technically gifted and can contribute to the Bukisa community in other ways whether it’s by providing videos, podcasts or powerpoint slides. There are many ways to contribute your knowledge with Bukisa.
Bukisa offers informative and credible information that brings Internet content to a whole new level.
Bukisa is based on the premise that everyone has some sort of valuable knowledge to share with the Internet community.
Anyone who joins the Bukisa community and shares their knowledge is entitled to a their share of the profits.
In summary, gives its members a unique opportunity.
* To Share knowledge and get paid for providing quality content.
* Build your own online network of friends that can make themselves and you money without having to buy or sell anything to anyone.
* Gives you or your company, not just fantastic exposure on the web but actually helps you build your brand into an online presence with linking.
How to get dofollow backlink from PR 4
The trick is simple, submit the content or article with linking to your site, that's all that's needed!
You will get paid per view per content plus you get dofollow backlink from site with PR 4
Join now under at
Bukisa is a one stop shop for how-to, informational & educational content. We are both an aggregator and a UGC website. We provide content in the form of articles, videos, presentations, audio recordings and image slideshows.
The Bukisa vision is to maximize the knowledge sharing experiences and to introduce contributors to a better and more fun-filled way to share their knowledge online.
One of the important aspects of the Bukisa vision is that it has taken steps to reward those who contribute their knowledge with monetary value.
Everyone has an ability to contribute knowledge. Some can write, while others are more technically gifted and can contribute to the Bukisa community in other ways whether it’s by providing videos, podcasts or powerpoint slides. There are many ways to contribute your knowledge with Bukisa.
Bukisa offers informative and credible information that brings Internet content to a whole new level.
Bukisa is based on the premise that everyone has some sort of valuable knowledge to share with the Internet community.
Anyone who joins the Bukisa community and shares their knowledge is entitled to a their share of the profits.
In summary, gives its members a unique opportunity.
* To Share knowledge and get paid for providing quality content.
* Build your own online network of friends that can make themselves and you money without having to buy or sell anything to anyone.
* Gives you or your company, not just fantastic exposure on the web but actually helps you build your brand into an online presence with linking.
How to get dofollow backlink from PR 4
The trick is simple, submit the content or article with linking to your site, that's all that's needed!
You will get paid per view per content plus you get dofollow backlink from site with PR 4
Join now under at
Friday, 30 January 2009
Making money with Hubpages!
If you want to make some easy and fast cash online with the possibility of building up some links to your own site and affiliate links if you have any(doesn't matter if you don't, this is a great starting point!), you should start using and writing Hubpages :- . Hubpages are one of the easier ways of making money online, writing a Hubpage is like writing an article but only just! Hubpages give you more benefits than an article, most people distribute their article to numerous article sites for nothing and all they get is a link to their site if they have one and the article sites themselves are making money from your article that you could be earning yourself by using Hubages!
You can write as many articles as you want to on Hubpages and you can place as many links as you'd like in those articles also. The best bit is that you don't have to wait for your article to be approved, it's published immediately! You can also customize your articles fully with Bullets,bold and more if you know HTML. Hubpages is set up so even a novice can easily make money online and increase the popularity for their site if they have one. Just think, you can get gree traffic and also earn money at the same time, BONUS!!!
Here's 5 tips to further increase earnings with Hubpages-
+Amazon products
+Ebay affiliate products
+Kontera text links
+Your own affiliate links
With Hubpages you actually earn what your articles are worth, If you're a good writer and have a good article with affiliate links in you could make some good money through this. If you've got articles elsewhere I'd also recommend putting them on Hubpages too! Start earning today at .
You can write as many articles as you want to on Hubpages and you can place as many links as you'd like in those articles also. The best bit is that you don't have to wait for your article to be approved, it's published immediately! You can also customize your articles fully with Bullets,bold and more if you know HTML. Hubpages is set up so even a novice can easily make money online and increase the popularity for their site if they have one. Just think, you can get gree traffic and also earn money at the same time, BONUS!!!
Here's 5 tips to further increase earnings with Hubpages-
+Amazon products
+Ebay affiliate products
+Kontera text links
+Your own affiliate links
With Hubpages you actually earn what your articles are worth, If you're a good writer and have a good article with affiliate links in you could make some good money through this. If you've got articles elsewhere I'd also recommend putting them on Hubpages too! Start earning today at .
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Step by step - how to get more out of those ezine articles
What I'm about to share with everyone is a step by step method how article marketing has worked for me, and I hope it can benefit everyone. If you don't implement it, maybe it can give you some new ideas of your own.
This is my opinion on how to get the most traffic from an article.
Okay - this method is assuming you submit all of your articles to EZA, with a good title, good article content, and a good resource box.
1st Step: Open up Word Pad - or whatever you like to use. The program you use must be easy to copy and paste that is really the only requirement.
* Type out the keywords you are going to target in your article and separate them with commas. -- press enter a few times
* Create your title --- then press enter a few times.
* Create your article summary --- press enter a few times
* TYPE THE ARTICLE ---- and press enter a few more times.
* Then of course type up your resource box.
Each part of writing an article is equally important do not neglect anything. Once you are done SAVE YOUR ARTICLE TO YOUR COMPUTER.
2nd Step: Submit your article to EZA. ( This should be easy because you just saved it to your computer. (The reason for pressing enter a few times between the different parts of the article was to help you stay organized.)
3rd Step: Wait one week - my favorite step for my method to market an article
4th Step: After that week has passed you are going to do some more with that article. Go back to your original article which you saved on your computer and copy your resource box. Then yes you guessed it press enter a few more times and paste it below the original one.
You are going to make some slight changes - on this resource box make one of the links point to your approved EZA article, and let the other still point to your webpage. Once you have completed this...
************************************************** *
5th Step: Submit your article with your new resource box (the one with one link pointing to your EZA article and the other pointed to the site that you are trying to promote) to the following 10 sites:
1. Go Articles (
2. Articles Base (
3. Search Warp (
4. Article Dashboard (
5. Buzzle (
6. Article Alley (
7. Amazines (
8. Isnare (
9. Article City (
10. Hot Article Directory (
Wrap up: Ok I know what you are thinking submitting your article to all these sites is going to be time consuming... Really it is not too bad once you have your username and password to all of these sites.
You have everything at your fingertips because your article is saved to your computer!
The traffic that ends up going to your EZA article and ultimately the website you are trying to promote grows exponentially and it is definitly going to be worth your time. I wish good fortune to everyone marketing online and I hope everyone has success.
This is my opinion on how to get the most traffic from an article.
Okay - this method is assuming you submit all of your articles to EZA, with a good title, good article content, and a good resource box.
1st Step: Open up Word Pad - or whatever you like to use. The program you use must be easy to copy and paste that is really the only requirement.
* Type out the keywords you are going to target in your article and separate them with commas. -- press enter a few times
* Create your title --- then press enter a few times.
* Create your article summary --- press enter a few times
* TYPE THE ARTICLE ---- and press enter a few more times.
* Then of course type up your resource box.
Each part of writing an article is equally important do not neglect anything. Once you are done SAVE YOUR ARTICLE TO YOUR COMPUTER.
2nd Step: Submit your article to EZA. ( This should be easy because you just saved it to your computer. (The reason for pressing enter a few times between the different parts of the article was to help you stay organized.)
3rd Step: Wait one week - my favorite step for my method to market an article
4th Step: After that week has passed you are going to do some more with that article. Go back to your original article which you saved on your computer and copy your resource box. Then yes you guessed it press enter a few more times and paste it below the original one.
You are going to make some slight changes - on this resource box make one of the links point to your approved EZA article, and let the other still point to your webpage. Once you have completed this...
************************************************** *
5th Step: Submit your article with your new resource box (the one with one link pointing to your EZA article and the other pointed to the site that you are trying to promote) to the following 10 sites:
1. Go Articles (
2. Articles Base (
3. Search Warp (
4. Article Dashboard (
5. Buzzle (
6. Article Alley (
7. Amazines (
8. Isnare (
9. Article City (
10. Hot Article Directory (
Wrap up: Ok I know what you are thinking submitting your article to all these sites is going to be time consuming... Really it is not too bad once you have your username and password to all of these sites.
You have everything at your fingertips because your article is saved to your computer!
The traffic that ends up going to your EZA article and ultimately the website you are trying to promote grows exponentially and it is definitly going to be worth your time. I wish good fortune to everyone marketing online and I hope everyone has success.
make money,
making money online,
money making
How To Create And Promote an Ebook from Scratch in 24 Hours
Go to: Pay attention: this is such a gem of a site. Lots of ready-made bestselling content.Then just click on any link you choose.Example: Chinese Occultism (1907 )A great (bestselling content) in the Public Domain, just to show one of many.Another bestselling example? Kung Fu: Taoist Medical Gymnastics This one is truly a bestseller, by itself.
You have the books there on HTML, so just copy and paste.
Then you can do many many things with that PD book:
1 - Write an intro, a sort of review, your thoughts about it, your experience with it, if any.
2 - Add beautiful PD images related to the content.
3 - Use good-looking fonts for the text (remember: Design Matters)...The type of fonts you can find on
4 - Add links to your Optin page and your other sites.
5 - Write a review/presell of a highly related product with your affiliate link...
6 - And finally convert it to PDF.
You have created a good Ebook now.
Total time? 15 to 45 min.
*** AND, and this is VERY important, now YOU HOLD the copyright for that ebook...
Yes, you´ve just made a "derivative work", by adding the introduction words, the beautiful images, the killer fonts, and some other easy things.
So now you hold the rights to that ebook. That ebook is no longer a Public Domain book. It is now YOUR updated and creative version.
You are now a good publisher.
So what´s next?
1 - Offer the ebook for free over the internet, making it VIRAL, with your links in it.
2 - Offer the free download in your blog for subscribing to your list, etc...
3 - Offer the right to freely distribute your ebook to everybody who signs up to your list.
4 - Offer the ebook in EVERY related Giveaway event.
5 - Write (or outsource) a Press Release and let the world know about your NEW ebook.
6 - Set up a blog related to your ebook, (you can use and split entire chapters of the book and the introduction ou wrote for it, as blog posts), add adsense, amazon related books links, clickbank links, and YOUR book as a "Limited Time FREE Download - Sign Up NOW!"
7 - Oh, I forgot, remember to make a good-looking e-cover (be different from everyone). Design really matters, and attract people.
8 - Use some catchy phrases from the book (there´s lots of them) as the titles for your blogs and massively ping them out, social bookmarking each new blog post you upload.
9 - Keep that same catchy sentences and words from the book and setup an easy to do viral Youtube video. Use the phrases with inspiring and story telling PD images, and show also captions and snapshots of your ebook (an inside tour), and show your e-cover also.
Remember to watermark (continuous watermark, performs better) the video with your Optin page address, and write a to-the-point call to action at the end of the video. Something like:
- "Get this amazing book FOR FREE at: .... Hurry! Limited Copies"
(or something like that)
Don´t know how to craft an easy video like that?
No problem:
. Go to One True Media - slideshows, free photo sharing, facebook app, slide shows, MySpace slideshows, MySpace codes, free video sharing, video montages. or animoto - the end of slideshows and just upload the text and images, and the (good) built in editor on those sites will produce you a really nice video you can be proud of.
10 - Then go and submit your video to EVERY video site out there.
And all of the above can be done in one evening...
* This model has be done hundreds of times with great results.
* This model has literally started many online business.
* This model can easily be replicated over and over with any Public Domain book, or any compilation of them...
You have the books there on HTML, so just copy and paste.
Then you can do many many things with that PD book:
1 - Write an intro, a sort of review, your thoughts about it, your experience with it, if any.
2 - Add beautiful PD images related to the content.
3 - Use good-looking fonts for the text (remember: Design Matters)...The type of fonts you can find on
4 - Add links to your Optin page and your other sites.
5 - Write a review/presell of a highly related product with your affiliate link...
6 - And finally convert it to PDF.
You have created a good Ebook now.
Total time? 15 to 45 min.
*** AND, and this is VERY important, now YOU HOLD the copyright for that ebook...
Yes, you´ve just made a "derivative work", by adding the introduction words, the beautiful images, the killer fonts, and some other easy things.
So now you hold the rights to that ebook. That ebook is no longer a Public Domain book. It is now YOUR updated and creative version.
You are now a good publisher.
So what´s next?
1 - Offer the ebook for free over the internet, making it VIRAL, with your links in it.
2 - Offer the free download in your blog for subscribing to your list, etc...
3 - Offer the right to freely distribute your ebook to everybody who signs up to your list.
4 - Offer the ebook in EVERY related Giveaway event.
5 - Write (or outsource) a Press Release and let the world know about your NEW ebook.
6 - Set up a blog related to your ebook, (you can use and split entire chapters of the book and the introduction ou wrote for it, as blog posts), add adsense, amazon related books links, clickbank links, and YOUR book as a "Limited Time FREE Download - Sign Up NOW!"
7 - Oh, I forgot, remember to make a good-looking e-cover (be different from everyone). Design really matters, and attract people.
8 - Use some catchy phrases from the book (there´s lots of them) as the titles for your blogs and massively ping them out, social bookmarking each new blog post you upload.
9 - Keep that same catchy sentences and words from the book and setup an easy to do viral Youtube video. Use the phrases with inspiring and story telling PD images, and show also captions and snapshots of your ebook (an inside tour), and show your e-cover also.
Remember to watermark (continuous watermark, performs better) the video with your Optin page address, and write a to-the-point call to action at the end of the video. Something like:
- "Get this amazing book FOR FREE at: .... Hurry! Limited Copies"
(or something like that)
Don´t know how to craft an easy video like that?
No problem:
. Go to One True Media - slideshows, free photo sharing, facebook app, slide shows, MySpace slideshows, MySpace codes, free video sharing, video montages. or animoto - the end of slideshows and just upload the text and images, and the (good) built in editor on those sites will produce you a really nice video you can be proud of.
10 - Then go and submit your video to EVERY video site out there.
And all of the above can be done in one evening...
* This model has be done hundreds of times with great results.
* This model has literally started many online business.
* This model can easily be replicated over and over with any Public Domain book, or any compilation of them...
making money,
making money online,
money making,
public domain
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Make money with Dating Gold
DatingGold is a website portal that allows you to make massive profit from Adult Cam websites.
Here is a step by step guide that makes me at least $20 a day. This method is by getting others to signup for a membership and confirm their e-mail..and you make $3....Amazing eh?!
(Some offers pay as high as $75 per signup as long as credit card info and trials are subscribed to. )
Signing up to make profit
1. Signup an account at
2. Once registered & logged in Click the button at the top 'Statistics'
3. Click the small blue text 'get your linking codes here'
This will bring you to the page where you setup as as many promotions as you want. Below is my example but you can try any method you wish.
4. Click 'Amateur Match' > then next
5. Click '$3.00 Per Lead' > then next
6. Click next again(you will create a campaign name later)
7. Click on any banner you wish to assign to the campaign(not really needed but you still have to do it) > then next
8. Click on the landing of your choice...I always use id Skin 23 > then next
9. This will bring you to a summary page with a promotional link
http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" target="_top">" width="125" height="125" border="0">
If you extract the "http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/" this will be the URL you will use when advertising.
Advertising to make profit
Goto - shorten that long URL into a Tiny URL and tiny url your link to something like HotCindy or whatever
At this point you want to make a catchy ad to attract a ton of replies. I usually post in 10-15 major cities an hour. I use proxies and confirmed accounts...but to start you can just try normally but you will eventually get banned or flagged for spamming.Now as you can see the ideas are endless from this point that you can make $3 per valid confirmed signup. My example will be using Craigslist. Find a major city like Toronto or Miami on Craigslist.
Then create a post in "Women Seeking Men"
Title- Pst the boyfriend is gone for the week! 24(age)
Body-" Hey guys my controlling boyfriend is off on business for a week so who wants to take me out and have some fun?
- xoxoxo Cindy <3"
*Attach a picture of a realistic hot chick also
- Use a gmail address or the gmail + cheat
In Gmail turn on your vacation mode in 'Settings' this way you can auto reply to a good major of ad's.
Make your reply something like
"hey hun too many creeps try to take advantage of me so i feel more comfy if you can show me I am worth it and chat at my site with me. Visit http www / hotcindy
once ur there reply me back ur username and I will invite you
xxoxoxo tnx hun"
I sometimes also manually reply to ensure the right people are talking to me. You will also get the odd person who will give you their cc info. Do NOT use that to be is usally just stolen anyways.
So basically if you get them to signup...boom your job is done and you will be credited $3. The art to this is finding what works for ands and what works for replies. Keep switching it up.
--If you have any questions or comments feel free to reply here and I will be more then happy to help.
Here is a step by step guide that makes me at least $20 a day. This method is by getting others to signup for a membership and confirm their e-mail..and you make $3....Amazing eh?!
(Some offers pay as high as $75 per signup as long as credit card info and trials are subscribed to. )
Signing up to make profit
1. Signup an account at
2. Once registered & logged in Click the button at the top 'Statistics'
3. Click the small blue text 'get your linking codes here'
This will bring you to the page where you setup as as many promotions as you want. Below is my example but you can try any method you wish.
4. Click 'Amateur Match' > then next
5. Click '$3.00 Per Lead' > then next
6. Click next again(you will create a campaign name later)
7. Click on any banner you wish to assign to the campaign(not really needed but you still have to do it) > then next
8. Click on the landing of your choice...I always use id Skin 23 > then next
9. This will bring you to a summary page with a promotional link
http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" target="_top">" width="125" height="125" border="0">
If you extract the "http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/" this will be the URL you will use when advertising.
Advertising to make profit
Goto - shorten that long URL into a Tiny URL and tiny url your link to something like HotCindy or whatever
At this point you want to make a catchy ad to attract a ton of replies. I usually post in 10-15 major cities an hour. I use proxies and confirmed accounts...but to start you can just try normally but you will eventually get banned or flagged for spamming.Now as you can see the ideas are endless from this point that you can make $3 per valid confirmed signup. My example will be using Craigslist. Find a major city like Toronto or Miami on Craigslist.
Then create a post in "Women Seeking Men"
Title- Pst the boyfriend is gone for the week! 24(age)
Body-" Hey guys my controlling boyfriend is off on business for a week so who wants to take me out and have some fun?
- xoxoxo Cindy <3"
*Attach a picture of a realistic hot chick also
- Use a gmail address or the gmail + cheat
In Gmail turn on your vacation mode in 'Settings' this way you can auto reply to a good major of ad's.
Make your reply something like
"hey hun too many creeps try to take advantage of me so i feel more comfy if you can show me I am worth it and chat at my site with me. Visit http www / hotcindy
once ur there reply me back ur username and I will invite you
xxoxoxo tnx hun"
I sometimes also manually reply to ensure the right people are talking to me. You will also get the odd person who will give you their cc info. Do NOT use that to be is usally just stolen anyways.
So basically if you get them to signup...boom your job is done and you will be credited $3. The art to this is finding what works for ands and what works for replies. Keep switching it up.
--If you have any questions or comments feel free to reply here and I will be more then happy to help.
Dating gold,
making money
Guide to E-Whoring
After being successful with the concept of E-Whoring and implementing it to earn some cash i am sharing my techniques and method's with my fellow CLH member's.I hope you appreciate my efforts
What Is E-Whoring?
If you’ve dabbled in any blackhat money making methods online you’ll know that there are countless shady and unethical ways to go about raking in the cash. E-Whoring is one such way of making money and in it’s simplest form involves posing a member of a particular sex (usually female), in order to entice the other party to take some form of action. The E-Whoring method is usually used to get horny males in chat rooms to fill in affiliate offers. In the last couple of years the method has been used to get CPA leads for Cam
sites. But as you can imagine affiliate marketers no how to spoil a party and the promotion of Cam sites has become less effective.
The Method:
I used to send 100s of people through my Cam site affiliate link and got very few conversions – quite often less than 1%. I realised that the men in these chat rooms were tricked too many times by marketers that they simply didn’t fall for the scam anymore. Add to this the fact that in most chat rooms Bots are always lurking and you can see why the conversions stunk. So after some hard thinking I decided to try and get the guys in the chat rooms to buy me a little gift in return for a little peek at my ‘breasts’ (Mind you, I haven’t got any because I am 100% male). I tried the idea and it worked. The first guy bought me product off eBay for $12. It was then that I got struck with the lightening bolt of an idea: “What if I got the guy to buy me an eBook, and better still, what if the eBook was my product?” I hope you see the beauty of this method. Every gift I got put money right into my Paypal account. I made over $300 in my first week. And thus the ‘E-Whore Method’ was born. I am going to take you through the setting up of the system step by step so you can start earning some serious cash straight away.
So let’s get to it…
Find PLR Product And Set Up Website (steps 1 & 2)
In order for this system to work you are going to need a quality PLR product that is female oriented. This is because when you ask your victim for the gift, you want him to feel comfortable about his purchase. And if you ask him for some Mach III razors for example he might find you a little strange, and perhaps think you are a man pretending to be a woman. Needless to say you can’t have that.
Where to get PLR There is one place I go for all my PLR products and that is PLR it has the largest collection in my opinion and PLRs on this site won’t be found all over the internet. All the products in there are of high quality and span every niche known to man. And the best thing about this site is that it’s 100% free.
Next set up product website
As soon as you find a suitable plr product, you want to set up a website complete with payment processor (I use Paypal). Any plr product you get will have a sales page and ‘thank you’ page included so it’s just a matter of uploading the entire website to your web host. If you don’t have a web you can get an account at they are the cheapest and most reliable on the net and they are the ones I use for all my hosting needs. The initial outlay is about $7 and you’ll make this back within 30 minutes of setting up the system anyway, so don’t worry about the cost.
You’ll need a website editor to do some slight editing of the plr site and if you haven’t got one you can use Adobe Dreamweaver. It’s very expensive, and I don’t suggest you rush out to buy it at all (use Ahem).
Install Yahoo Messenger and Fake Webcam (steps 3 & 4)
You’ve set up your product complete with payment link and download page, the next you want to do now is download and install Yahoo messenger and the Fake Webcam software. I am not going to too much detail about setting these up because both have wizard interface and are easy to set up. Yahoo Messenger Make sure you download and install the US version of Yahoo messenger as I am not sure if other versions have adult chat included. If you live in the UK and download the UK version, you won’t be able to access adult chat rooms.
You can download US Yahoo Messenger after installation set up a fake yahoo id. Give it a sexy sounding name like Find a believable but provocative picture and use it on your profile page. This will help you to get guys pm-ing you in the chat rooms.
Fake Webcam
You are going to need this software to deliver the ‘goods’ to your victim (horny male). Aside from your ability to be persuasive, this software is the single most important part of this system.
Download a free copy of Fake Webcam : Fake_Webcam_5.1_Keygen.rar some clips of a few webcam girls. I tend to use softcore web cam videos as the guys find them more believable. Whatever you do though, make sure the video you download has a bit of gradualism to it – i.e. the girl in the video
must not fully naked. If you can find a video where she is fully clothes and typing, then gradually take of her clothes you’ll be onto a winner.
Chat Scripts/Examples
Now that you’ve got everything set up and ready let me give you a few examples of conversation starters and little tricks to move your agenda along. I usually go to the 40s love and above chat rooms. I find the men in these rooms more receptive, you can test though to see which type of rooms
convert better for you. Conversation starters (When you initiate a pm):
You: Hi gorgeous, how are you?
Guy: I am fine blah blah blah
You: I am a bit bored. The guys in here are so boring, they don’t seem to
have anything exciting to say to me (at this stage he’ll get excited and
probably ask you if you have pic/cam)
Guy: Have you got a pic or cam
You: Both hun, why do you ask (it’s obvious I know but you say it for effect)
Guy: Can I see your cam?
You: Of course honey, but what can you do for me?
Guy: What have you got in mind? (This is where you go for the kill)
You: Well, lol, I have had my eye on this book for quite sometime. It’s about
[insert your niche here] and I’d love it if you got it for me.
Guy: Ok – what do you want me to do?
You: Well here’s the website that is selling it - All you have to do is visit the site and
get me that book. PM me the download link when you are finished. It will only
take you a couple of minutes. [Don’t tell the guy how much the product costs,
it usually puts them off]
Guy: Ok – brb
It’s that simple. All you have to be nice to the guys, appear genuine and
ready to please them and they’ll be putty in your hands.
Final Thoughts
I hope you see from the very straightforward layout of this system that there is ‘gold’ to be had in them chat rooms. This remains one of the easiest ways for me to make money online and I know some of you will turn your nose up at it, but $80-90 a day is nothing to sniff at.
I have come across countless people online who struggle to make even $10 a day, so don’t pass up on this opportunity. You’ve got the guide, and I have included as many of the tools as possible.
All you have to do now is go out and implement. Remember what I pointed out at the beginning: 99% of people fail online because of a lack of action.
Don’t be afraid to take this method and twist it even further. It was innovation that made it work for me and I am sure you are capable of adding your own twist to it thus making even more cash.
I hope you people like and appreciate my thread
What Is E-Whoring?
If you’ve dabbled in any blackhat money making methods online you’ll know that there are countless shady and unethical ways to go about raking in the cash. E-Whoring is one such way of making money and in it’s simplest form involves posing a member of a particular sex (usually female), in order to entice the other party to take some form of action. The E-Whoring method is usually used to get horny males in chat rooms to fill in affiliate offers. In the last couple of years the method has been used to get CPA leads for Cam
sites. But as you can imagine affiliate marketers no how to spoil a party and the promotion of Cam sites has become less effective.
The Method:
I used to send 100s of people through my Cam site affiliate link and got very few conversions – quite often less than 1%. I realised that the men in these chat rooms were tricked too many times by marketers that they simply didn’t fall for the scam anymore. Add to this the fact that in most chat rooms Bots are always lurking and you can see why the conversions stunk. So after some hard thinking I decided to try and get the guys in the chat rooms to buy me a little gift in return for a little peek at my ‘breasts’ (Mind you, I haven’t got any because I am 100% male). I tried the idea and it worked. The first guy bought me product off eBay for $12. It was then that I got struck with the lightening bolt of an idea: “What if I got the guy to buy me an eBook, and better still, what if the eBook was my product?” I hope you see the beauty of this method. Every gift I got put money right into my Paypal account. I made over $300 in my first week. And thus the ‘E-Whore Method’ was born. I am going to take you through the setting up of the system step by step so you can start earning some serious cash straight away.
So let’s get to it…
Find PLR Product And Set Up Website (steps 1 & 2)
In order for this system to work you are going to need a quality PLR product that is female oriented. This is because when you ask your victim for the gift, you want him to feel comfortable about his purchase. And if you ask him for some Mach III razors for example he might find you a little strange, and perhaps think you are a man pretending to be a woman. Needless to say you can’t have that.
Where to get PLR There is one place I go for all my PLR products and that is PLR it has the largest collection in my opinion and PLRs on this site won’t be found all over the internet. All the products in there are of high quality and span every niche known to man. And the best thing about this site is that it’s 100% free.
Next set up product website
As soon as you find a suitable plr product, you want to set up a website complete with payment processor (I use Paypal). Any plr product you get will have a sales page and ‘thank you’ page included so it’s just a matter of uploading the entire website to your web host. If you don’t have a web you can get an account at they are the cheapest and most reliable on the net and they are the ones I use for all my hosting needs. The initial outlay is about $7 and you’ll make this back within 30 minutes of setting up the system anyway, so don’t worry about the cost.
You’ll need a website editor to do some slight editing of the plr site and if you haven’t got one you can use Adobe Dreamweaver. It’s very expensive, and I don’t suggest you rush out to buy it at all (use Ahem).
Install Yahoo Messenger and Fake Webcam (steps 3 & 4)
You’ve set up your product complete with payment link and download page, the next you want to do now is download and install Yahoo messenger and the Fake Webcam software. I am not going to too much detail about setting these up because both have wizard interface and are easy to set up. Yahoo Messenger Make sure you download and install the US version of Yahoo messenger as I am not sure if other versions have adult chat included. If you live in the UK and download the UK version, you won’t be able to access adult chat rooms.
You can download US Yahoo Messenger after installation set up a fake yahoo id. Give it a sexy sounding name like Find a believable but provocative picture and use it on your profile page. This will help you to get guys pm-ing you in the chat rooms.
Fake Webcam
You are going to need this software to deliver the ‘goods’ to your victim (horny male). Aside from your ability to be persuasive, this software is the single most important part of this system.
Download a free copy of Fake Webcam : Fake_Webcam_5.1_Keygen.rar some clips of a few webcam girls. I tend to use softcore web cam videos as the guys find them more believable. Whatever you do though, make sure the video you download has a bit of gradualism to it – i.e. the girl in the video
must not fully naked. If you can find a video where she is fully clothes and typing, then gradually take of her clothes you’ll be onto a winner.
Chat Scripts/Examples
Now that you’ve got everything set up and ready let me give you a few examples of conversation starters and little tricks to move your agenda along. I usually go to the 40s love and above chat rooms. I find the men in these rooms more receptive, you can test though to see which type of rooms
convert better for you. Conversation starters (When you initiate a pm):
You: Hi gorgeous, how are you?
Guy: I am fine blah blah blah
You: I am a bit bored. The guys in here are so boring, they don’t seem to
have anything exciting to say to me (at this stage he’ll get excited and
probably ask you if you have pic/cam)
Guy: Have you got a pic or cam
You: Both hun, why do you ask (it’s obvious I know but you say it for effect)
Guy: Can I see your cam?
You: Of course honey, but what can you do for me?
Guy: What have you got in mind? (This is where you go for the kill)
You: Well, lol, I have had my eye on this book for quite sometime. It’s about
[insert your niche here] and I’d love it if you got it for me.
Guy: Ok – what do you want me to do?
You: Well here’s the website that is selling it - All you have to do is visit the site and
get me that book. PM me the download link when you are finished. It will only
take you a couple of minutes. [Don’t tell the guy how much the product costs,
it usually puts them off]
Guy: Ok – brb
It’s that simple. All you have to be nice to the guys, appear genuine and
ready to please them and they’ll be putty in your hands.
Final Thoughts
I hope you see from the very straightforward layout of this system that there is ‘gold’ to be had in them chat rooms. This remains one of the easiest ways for me to make money online and I know some of you will turn your nose up at it, but $80-90 a day is nothing to sniff at.
I have come across countless people online who struggle to make even $10 a day, so don’t pass up on this opportunity. You’ve got the guide, and I have included as many of the tools as possible.
All you have to do now is go out and implement. Remember what I pointed out at the beginning: 99% of people fail online because of a lack of action.
Don’t be afraid to take this method and twist it even further. It was innovation that made it work for me and I am sure you are capable of adding your own twist to it thus making even more cash.
I hope you people like and appreciate my thread
Checking ...
making money,
money making
Here's a stupidly simple cash generator YOU! Can Implement Now!
I was recently approached at an event I was speaking at and asked,
"How can I generate some quick cash? Is there an honest way of
doing that?"
When I explained this method-everybody started writing, so I thought
I would share it with my fellow members.
I named this: "A Stupidly Simple Cash Generator" or how to generate emergency money NOW!
Start this today and I'm sure it will carry you through the holiday crunch.
This is very easy to do and can generate at least $1,000-$1,500
within the next few days!
First, you need to find some local business owners who need
what you're about to offer them here. No, you won't be pounding
the pavement or cold calling anyone....they will be calling YOU.
You can use a couple of methods to find these clients.
1. You can simply go to the phone book and look up businesses in
your local area. Write down any business that you want. You will
use that list to check the internet in a minute or two, so keep it
handy. Some listings will include the business url.
2. OR you get an in depth "drill down" listing from GoLeads
which will give you tons of information on all businesses in ANY
geographic area. Cost is about $15 for unlimited access. :-)
(No, I'm not an affiliate but it works.)
Once you have your list, about 25-30 is all you need to start. Look
them up on the internet to see if they have a website. For this
particular deal you want them to have a website. (If they don't
have a site yet, that's a different model.)
Once you have a few of the websites, visit them.
Here's what you're looking for: Any business site that does not have a
capture mechanism installed on their FRONT page.
In other words, they need to have an auto-responder opt in form
on their front page. If they don''re in for some quick cash.
When you have about 25-30 "prospects" send them this letter:
************************************************** *
Mr./Ms. ___________
My name is ______________ and I am a local e-commerce
business consultant.
I know your time is valuable, as is mine so I'll get right to the
point. If I could show you an unused asset that you ALREADY
have that could make you thousands of dollars, would you be
willing to speak with me for 15 minutes?
This free consultation can save you as much as 50% of your
entire monthly advertising budget AND bring you brand new
customers at the same time! The best part is that you already
have it, so the cost to implement this marketing weapon is
Please call me at (your number) at your earliest convenience to
schedule a free "no strings" consultation. I promise you, it will be
worth your time.
Yours in business,
Your name
Contact info
************************************************** ***
That's it! Believe me when I say that your phone will ring off the
hook. DO NOT mass mail that letter! You really only need to mail
25-30 per week and you'll be busy.
Now that you have the clients calling you, the next step is to set a
consultation appointment and meet them. The unused asset they
have is of course their website which has no list building
The "money is in the list" applies to ALL businesses, not just
online marketers. By building a proper list they can cut their
advertising dollars at least in half. Just send a customer blast
about an upcoming sale instead of paying $4,000 for a full page
You follow me here?
All you have to do is set up an auto-responder opt in form on their existing site! That's it.
I have coaching students who are making $250-$500 a deal with
just this method. It's very easy to generate 4, 5 or even 6 deals
per week this way. Heck, it only takes about 20-30 minutes to put
the form on their site and that's if you're slow!
(Outsource it to fellow warriors if you have too.)
I usually visit their site, right click and select "view source" and
save it in notepad. Then I open the notepad in an html editor and
install the form.
*NOTE* I can use their AR service or mine. You'll just have to
work the minor details out with them. Don't turn it into a can
of worms-KISS
I use Trellian pagebuilder, which is free and allows me to preview
the finished site. Once I'm done I save it as, "theirsitename.html"
send it to their programmer and they can swap it. Otherwise, you
have get all the login info, etc. from the owner.
(I charge $50 if I have to load it.)
In either case this usually leads to a question from the owner,
"who is going to write the emails" which is another monetization
chapter for later....
Just so you know, almost half of all the sites I look at fall into the
category of no capture system. It may be more or less where you
live, but it's a rampant problem....everywhere. Why? Because
they simply don't understand e-commerce.
By the way, GoLeads will also give you the name of the business
owner, number of employees, etc. Do your first one the hard way
if you have to, but it's worth the $15 to be able to put their name
on the letter.
Response rates will triple if you use their name and this little trick:
Stamp "CONFIDENTIAL" in red block letters on the front of the
envelope. This will make them put your letter in the "open later"
pile instead of straight into the trash.
It's a simple but effective strategy especially if you use their name.
You can get a confidential stamp at Staples for $5.
I've used the same one for years.
Keep this in mind. People sort their mail while standing over the bin. You do it, so you know it's true. You have to have
something that stands out and says, "This might be important, I'll
look at it later."
Change their cash register and credit card terminal receipt to
read, "For Preferred Customer Discounts Sign Up At: (their
There is a toll free number on the side of every register
and terminal for support. Just call them and they will walk you
through changing it. It only takes about 10 minutes.
This strategy is awesome because it does two major jobs when it
comes to marketing.
1. It captures all their current customers because everybody
reads their receipt, and everybody wants to be a preferred
customer to get discounts. It also captures all walk in traffic that
actually BUY something. Which leads us to:
2. A list of nothing but BUYERS of their product. No tirekickers or
browsers, buyers only! You may need to clarify to them exactly
why that's so powerful.
Now you've made a client for life and there are tons of other
methods to help them, and generate a great living for you as
I've just shared a tested, proven method to generate some
serious emergency money FAST! Just copy and paste the direct
mail letter and get to work.
You can do this.
I told you it was stupidly simple, and it works because it really is really helping them,
and that's what it's all about.
money making
Monday, 5 January 2009
Go here Pay As You Go > FREE Sim and register and get your 3 sim sent to you. One of the bonuses of this is that you can port your old number to the network 3 and they'll give you £10 free credit in doing so. You can pick up free sims all over the net so either grab 1 from there or use your old sim if you intend on keeping your old number anyway.Rinse and repeat as much as possible for free £10 as long as their offer still stands which it has done for some time now!
£10 free,
£10 free top up,
£10 pounds,
free credit,
Free sim,
mobile phones,
How to get a backlink on a Pagerank 10 site
Hi all, today i'm gonna show you all how to get a free backlink to a PageRank 10 site! The site you'll be visiting is Adobe and the accompanied PDF file will explain how to do this in more detail! This is a way to get a good ranking from Google itself as your backlink will be on a page that has a Pagerank of 10 as it would be if you posted anywhere on the site! This way WILL get your site/blog etc noticed by the search engine and the adobe site doesn't have a NOFOLLOW in it's code so it's a valid way of getting a backlink on a top ranking site! Here's the link to the PDF file!
Good luck in your ventures.
Good luck in your ventures.
How to change your IP address on virgin
This is a way of changing your IP address on Virgin broadband modems in the UK, it's by using a program called SMAC and it just changes your NIC MAC address which in turn changes your IP address after the modem's been reset.
Follow these instructions exactly otherwise it'll probably not work!
Download tool called Smac from :
The password is
Unplug modem (cable modem) from power
spoof PC NIC Mac address with Smac (change the mac of your pc ethernet card with smac)
plug power back into modem (make sure ethernet is plugged into modem and pc aswell)
Now just wait for the modem to boot up fully and you will be assigned a new IP address to the one you had before!!
Only thing with this way is you will still have the same HOSTNAME (google it) as you had before,
You can change your HOSTNAME by simply cloning the Cable modem mac of another modem using the knowledge shared earlier
There you go, now you can download from Rapidshare etc without time limits etc or you can even go and be your own referal on certain sites by just changing your IP address and maybe clear out your cookies as well just incase! Use your imagination, there's loads of uses for this!
This may be usable on other networks, I don't know personally, just give it a try and if it works then please report back for others to use.
Follow these instructions exactly otherwise it'll probably not work!
Download tool called Smac from :
The password is
Unplug modem (cable modem) from power
spoof PC NIC Mac address with Smac (change the mac of your pc ethernet card with smac)
plug power back into modem (make sure ethernet is plugged into modem and pc aswell)
Now just wait for the modem to boot up fully and you will be assigned a new IP address to the one you had before!!
Only thing with this way is you will still have the same HOSTNAME (google it) as you had before,
You can change your HOSTNAME by simply cloning the Cable modem mac of another modem using the knowledge shared earlier
There you go, now you can download from Rapidshare etc without time limits etc or you can even go and be your own referal on certain sites by just changing your IP address and maybe clear out your cookies as well just incase! Use your imagination, there's loads of uses for this!
This may be usable on other networks, I don't know personally, just give it a try and if it works then please report back for others to use.
change IP address,
how to change IP,
IP change,
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